Best 3 ways to reverse string in C

You are currently viewing Best 3 ways to reverse string in C

In this guide we will learn best 3 ways to reverse string in C. We will take a string as input and then reverse it by library function, without library function, recursion and pointer in C.

Assume the user gives the string ‘programming‘, then we will make it ‘gnimmargorp‘ by our written C program. Let’s see the easiest solution to this reverse string program in C.

Programs to reverse string in C is given bellow;

1. Reverse string using strrev() library function

strrev() is a library function defined inside the string.h header file which can reverse the given string.

We must have to include the header file when working string function like strrev().

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int main(){
   char main_string[200];

   printf("Enter a string here to reverse it : \n");


   printf("\nString after reversal is : \n%s\n", main_string);

   return 0;

Output of reverse string program


2. Reverse string without library function

In the following program we will reverse string without using library function in C. Let’s see the program bellow;

// reverse string program without library function

#include <stdio.h>
int main(){
   char main_string[100], rev_string[100];
   int counter = 0, start, finish;

   printf("Input any string to reverse it : \n");

   while(main_string[counter] != '\0'){

   finish = counter - 1;

   for(start = 0; start < counter; start++){
      rev_string[start] = main_string[finish];

   rev_string[start] = '\0';

   printf("\nReverse string is : \n%s\n", rev_string);

   return 0;

Output of program

Input any string to reverse it :
string reversal by CP

Reverse string is :
PC yb lasrever gnirts

You can also use function to reverse a string. Try this using function in your own.

3. Reverse string using pointer and recursion in C

// reverse string program using pointer


int len_finder(char *p){   // find string length by function
    int i = 0;

    while(*(p + i) != '\0'){
    return i;

void str_rev_funct(char *strg){   // string reverse function
    int strln, k;
    char *s, *e, t;

    strln = len_finder(strg);
    s = strg;
    e = strg;

    for (k = 0; k < strln - 1; k++){

    for (k = 0; k < strln / 2; k++){
       t = *e;
       *e = *s;
       *s = t;


int main(){
    char main_string[200];

    printf("Enter your main string to reverse it : \n");


    printf("\nYour string after reversing is : \n%s\n", main_string);

    return 0;

Reverse string program output

Enter your main string to reverse it :
reverse string program

Your string after reversing is :
margorp gnirts esrever

Hope you are now clear about the ways to reverse string in C. If you have any doubt still now, don’t hesitate to comment bellow.

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