Disclaimer for world tech journal

Here is the disclaimer of world tech journal. Please read this guide before going through our website. If you need more information or help then please feel free to contact using our contact page. We will try to answer all your query about our website.

All of our site's disclaimer

The information which we have published here for learning and general purpose of our readers. We can not give any warranties about the reliability, completeness or accuracy of all information.

Because the computer science technology is changing rapidly and we are nothing but a human being. However we will try to make our writing more accurate if you tell us about our mistakes and errors. You should contact us or write your opinion on the comment box.

You can visit other website through our given hyperlink. You are visiting them in your own risk. All of our content is visited by you at your own risk. We have not any control over the rules and regulations of other website which we have promoted through hyperlink or ads.

You should read their policy and terms to get better idea about their privacy and cookies. However, tell us about that site which we have promoter if you find that website if fraud or fake. We will remove such unusable link as soon as possible after hare from you.

We strongly recommend you to check our privacy policy and terms and condition to get more information about or site’s information. We have some policies and terms which is not under our controls. Then be aware of using our website. Read all our policy before giving any information to our site.

Your consent to use

You hereby consent to our privacy policy, terms of use and conditions by visiting our website. We will never try to make any personal herm to you through your given information.

About our update

However, all our updates and new features will published here regularly. You can tell us about your experience and advise for make our website more preferable to our users using contact page.

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