Essential guide to LinkedIn outreach for generating B2B leads

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This  guide will teach you some essential guide to LinkedIn outreach for generating B2B leads.

You’re losing out on some huge potential to expand your brand and company if your brand isn’t engaged on the platform.

Success on LinkedIn requires more than simply creating an account and making a few posts, however.

Your LinkedIn outreach strategy must be spot-on if you want to succeed on the platform.

And that’s precisely what this piece will examine.

Read also: 5 best ways to increase conversion rate through a great UX

Why Use LinkedIn for Outreach by B2B Companies?

Are you unsure about the benefits of using LinkedIn in your B2B marketing tools and campaigns?

LinkedIn outreach for generating B2B leads for companies

Here are a few explanations:

Relevant Community

You won’t find a better platform to advertise your B2B goods and services with a community of about 800 million professionals.

Unlike other social media sites, LinkedIn was created primarily for networking among professionals, making it simpler for you to identify your target market.

Better conversion rates

The ability to utilize LinkedIn to expand their professional network is one of the main reasons individuals join the platform.

They want a setting that will foster their professional development and boost the efficiency of their company. This results in a group of people who are ready to accept your offer.

More qualified leads

LinkedIn members are serious about their businesses, so you may expect to get higher-quality leads there.

It becomes easy to convert those leads into paying clients with a well-designed LinkedIn sales strategy (well, almost).

How to Begin an Outreach Campaign on LinkedIn?

Now that you are aware of the benefits of LinkedIn as a B2B marketing tool, let’s explore the best ways to use it.

1. Establish goals and KPIs

Setting campaign objectives and identifying your KPIs is the first step in beginning a successful LinkedIn outreach campaign (KPIs).

You may use LinkedIn to accomplish a variety of company marketing objectives, such as the following:

  • Brand recognition
  • Creating a thought leadership position
  • Lead generation
  • Driving sales

Your campaign’s kind will depend on your objectives. They’ll also assist you in selecting the most crucial KPIs to monitor.

KPIs are quantifiable metrics used to assess a campaign’s (or a campaign’s components’) success over time. These generally relate to the objectives you’ve established.

As an example, your brand awareness KPIs may include engagement indicators (such as views, likes, and shares).

Conversion rates, click-through rates, follower growth rates, and more are examples of other KPIs you may monitor.

2. Utilize Sales Navigator to make a list

Now is the moment to join LinkedIn Sales Navigator if you haven’t already. The premium version of the platform is called LinkedIn Sales Navigator.

It’s intended to be a sales management tool that makes it easier for sales teams to use LinkedIn’s vast network. It includes a selection of tools designed to be helpful to you:

  • Gain more exposure
  • Make more profound relationships.
  • Create targeted outreach campaigns.
  • Quicker closing more transactions.

You must create personalized lists comprised of an audience that is more likely to be a good match for your product to do all of this.

You may create lists using Sales Navigator based on the precise parameters you specify. By doing so, you may eliminate connections that aren’t relevant and just keep contacts that are more likely to convert.

Along with greater conversion rates, Sales Navigator makes it simple to maintain track of each lead you contact inside a certain company.

This is crucial since you’ll probably need to interact with and recruit a wide range of individuals for the purchasing committee of an organization.

3. Make engagement patterns

Building strong connections and demonstrating your knowledge are prerequisites for effective outreach on LinkedIn.

You must consider engagement sequences that will place you on your prospects’ radar if you want to get noticed.

What is an engagement sequence?

For your information, an engagement sequence is a planned series of interactions you have with prospects to get their attention. A simple engagement sequence may look something like this:

  • approving their posts
  • post a comment
  • requesting a connection
  • sending a direct message of endorsement

Doing some research is necessary to learn enough about your prospects to guarantee that your interaction is tailored to them and successful.

But it’s worthwhile since it raises the likelihood that your outreach effort will be successful.

4. Create testable copy variations

Create the text for your first direct message once you’ve designed your interaction sequences.

Your initial message, which is often a connection request, should serve two purposes: to introduce yourself and to highlight the benefits of adding you to your prospects’ networks.

Make in mind to keep your initial message brief, straightforward, and to the point when you write it. A call to action is a terrific idea as well, encouraging readers to express their interest by responding.

Create many iterations of your copy and test them for the best results. You can see which version converts the best from this.

5. Utilize strategy and automation

The key to effective LinkedIn outreach is to use numbers. Your chances of producing more high-quality leads increase with the number of inboxes you can access.

Automation and strategy are useful in this situation.

Utilizing a LinkedIn automation solution will allow you to expand your outreach while keeping customization.

A LinkedIn automation tool may also be used to gather email addresses from your personalized lists.

However, you’ll need to apply automation thoughtfully. Because they wish to prevent spam, LinkedIn does not support automation.

Because of this, while using automation; you must make sure your technology can accurately simulate human interaction.

This includes restricting the amount of InMails you send in a given hour, among many other things.

You need to make sure that your message is as tailored as possible in addition to engagement.

6. Observer Engagement

Following the start of your outreach program, engagement must be monitored. Take the time to read an automatic message attentively and personally answer, for instance, if someone does so.

Additionally, it’s critical to monitor post-engagement. Individuals that interact with your postings have a keen interest in your company and might be excellent leads.

7. Take Action

What should you do if a prospect ignores your direct message?

This is a common query about the use of LinkedIn to generate B2B leads.

The easy solution is to follow up.

Keep in mind that your potential customers need to learn to know you well enough to agree right away. The majority will likely be more concerned with whether they can trust you enough to further the connection.

A thoughtful follow-up note may be influential. It’s a terrific method to convince potential customers that you’re serious. Here are some pointers for writing efficient follow-up messages:

Consider what your potential customer will get from you.

8. To increase trust, include social proof

Never follow up with the same message again; always send a new one.

Make in mind to be courteous, to express your goal, and to keep it as brief as you can. Review results before launching a new, more effective campaign.

Use your objectives and KPIs to assess the success of your campaign after it has completed its whole course.

Ascertain the success or failure of your effort. Also, identify the areas where the campaign may have been improved.

Create an optimized version of your campaign and test it on a small subset of your prospect list once the data has been spoken.

Run the updated version on the remainder of your prospect list if it produces better results.

Run the figures once more after the conclusion of the campaign, and utilize the results to improve the next version.

Continue doing this to make sure your data-driven LinkedIn outreach campaigns are successful.

Tips to Boost Your Efficiency

There are several strategies you can use to make sure yours is just that. Here are a few that have helped our campaigns (and those we run for clients).

LinkedIn outreach for generating B2B leads and boost efficiency


When you show that you’ve taken the time to get to know someone, people react better. You must thus personalize your messages for every one of your prospects.

Concise, understandable messages

Users of LinkedIn are busy. They will immediately leave you alone if they notice a novella in your direct message.

Offer them something of value right away

People are always interested in their interests. You must thus make a valuable first offer. Don’t make your case for what you want before mentioning the offer.

Establish your value

Why should potential customers trust you with their brands and clients? Include social evidence (such as case studies, reviews, or testimonials) in your messages to address that query.

Use eye-catching visuals

By using visual information like photographs and videos, you may attract attention to your email. If you add a little personalization, bonus points.

Declare your plans in advance

Again, people are busy and want to swiftly understand your message’s main point. As a result, giving advance notice of your plans is a great strategy to improve the success of your campaigns.

Own a stellar personal website

Your profile is the first place prospects go when they want to learn more about you. Because of this, it’s crucial to your LinkedIn outreach effort.

For these reasons, you must optimize it to dazzle, earn trust, and unmistakably demonstrate who you are and what you do.

It’s a terrific method to set up your campaigns for success to follow the best practices for LinkedIn outreach that were previously mentioned.

Top LinkedIn Outreach Resources

By this point, I’m sure you’re asking how, with so many moving parts, you can execute an effective LinkedIn outreach campaign at scale.

Tools for LinkedIn automation are easy solutions.

Tools for automating repetitive processes on LinkedIn are called LinkedIn automation tools.

These include activities like reaching out to prospects, sending outreach messages, promoting your contacts, and gathering information to assist create successful campaigns.

Your choice of tool will determine the degree and kind of automation you get.

What LinkedIn automation tools should you have in your toolkit, then?


By providing highly tailored messages, SalesHub is a solution designed to assist sales teams in closing more transactions.

Advanced automation, personalization, and email gathering are the intended uses.

Benefit: You may develop sophisticated, very effective outreach sequences with customized pictures using SalesHub.

SalesHub is one of the most reasonably priced LinkedIn automation platforms available, with prices beginning at $49/month.


You should include Hyperise in your arsenal of LinkedIn automation tools since it allows you to personalize your communications on a whole new level.

All of this is possible because of the dynamic customization layers that can be added to photographs.

Personalization of images and videos is the goal.

Benefit: Using picture personalization to increase engagement.

The entry-level package for Hyperise is $49 per month.


Driving interaction via your postings is essential for success on LinkedIn. Lempod is a helpful tool in this situation.

Engagement on LinkedIn is the goal.

Benefit: Enhances thought leadership by raising engagement and visibility.

Lempod has two price tiers: Private Business Pod ($2/user in a pod) and Marketplace ($5/pod).


The most secure LinkedIn automation tool in the world is Expandi, a cloud-based application.

Engagement and lead creation are the goals.

Benefit: The “smart limitations” feature of Expandi is one of its greatest advantages. This makes sure that your automated activity is as near as feasible to human contact.

There is just one plan offered by Expandi, and it costs $99 per month.


Reply is a potent sales engagement platform made to assist you in connecting with your customers on several Reply.

It is a potent sales engagement platform created to assist you in connecting with your audience through email outreach as well as other platforms, one of which is LinkedIn.

Exchanges that seem natural to improve your social selling.

Benefit: Simple job flows that boost your outreach’s effectiveness

Reply is an amazing application that will help you surpass your limits for $70 per month per user.

Time to Start with LinkedIn Outreach for B2B Lead Generation

There is no better moment than the present to begin using LinkedIn for B2B lead creation.

You have a better possibility of obtaining high-quality leads since LinkedIn is the most popular professional networking website out there.

But for the platform to be effective for you, you must be aware of the proper methods for doing LinkedIn outreach campaigns.

To make sure that yours is efficient even at scale, use the advice and resources provided above.

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